I wrote a doll parody. It’s a screenplay.
B r i t t a
It's a parody about a living doll who comes
to the LA valley. Humorous flashbacks.
Goofy dialogue. Feet in trouble! Quirky songs.
Want to read a writing sample
of the screenplay? I've posted a
sample. To read just
click here
I will try to advertise and, hopefully, sell a screenplay on the side of my car.
Odds of success? I estimate 2%.
Oh, well, my trip to Saint-Tropez
will have to wait.

Wow, still here?
You do have a curious spirit, huh?
To see what awaits, just scroll down
past the goofy monsters dancing and
running around the dark forest.
And the answer of what is at the end
of the bridge will be revealed.
So, scroll down, brave one.
And, ah, good luck!
Keep scrolling down.
Keep going.
Only a little more to go.
Take it slow.
Warning, lurking and silly monsters below.
Keep scrolling down.
And here's the answer.